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Target Product Profile « Back

Welcome to Module 2: Target Product Profile

The first stage of any project should be to determine your existing knowledge, your resources, your goals, and your strategy. When repurposing a drug, this strategic planning is crucial to success. A good plan will allow you to remain focussed on your desired outcome – a new and accessible treatment for a condition that delivers meaningful patient benefit.

The learning objectives of this module are to:

  • Learn about the key tools that guide your strategic approach to repurposing – the Target Product Profile and the Repurposing Development Plan.
  • Gain an understanding on the types of data that could help the repurposing process, along with suggestions for sourcing this information.
  • Gain an understanding on how to consider the needs of your beneficiary patient population. How do you discover the true needs of the patient population, and how can this shape your repurposing strategy?
  • Understand how to bring together all the available information to constitute a market-worthy Target Product Profile, and a strategy to develop the product it describes.

Click on the topics in the panel on the right to navigate through the content. Do not forget to click ‘mark as complete’ at the bottom of each page to track your progress.

Good luck on your repurposing journey!


Primary author: Richard Thompson

Secondary author: Abby Stock-Duerdoth

Reviewers: Alicia Soler, Evelyn Hewitt, Rosan Kreeftmeijer-Vegter and William May

We’ve worked hard to bring this module to life, aiming to make it comprehensive and valuable for you. Because this is the very first launch of the Digital Academy, we really need your feedback. Please take a moment to complete our 3-minute feedback form at the end —we’d love to hear your thoughts!

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